Jumat, 28 Oktober 2016

Keyboard Shortcut CodeBlocks

Swap header / sourceF11
Comment highlighted codeCtrl + Shift + C
Uncomment highlighted codeCtrl + Shift + X
Duplicate line caret is onCtrl + D
Auto-complete / AbbreviationsCtrl + Space / Ctrl + J
Show call tipCtrl + Shift + Space
Swap line caret is on with line above itCtrl + T
Toggle bookmarkCtrl + B
Goto previous bookmarkAlt + PgUp
Goto next bookmarkAlt + PgDown
Toggle current block foldingF12
Toggle all foldsShift + F12

Create or delete a bookmark.Ctrl + F2
Go to next bookmark.F2
Select to next bookmark.Alt + F2
Find selection.Ctrl + F3
Find selection backwards.Ctrl + Shift + F3

Line cut.Ctrl + L
Line copy.Ctrl + Shift + T
Line delete.Ctrl + Shift + L
Line transpose with previous.Ctrl + T
Line duplicate.Ctrl + D
Find matching preprocessor conditional, skipping nested ones.Ctrl + K
Select to matching preprocessor conditional.Ctrl + Shift + K
Find matching preprocessor conditional backwards, skipping nested ones.Ctrl + J
Select to matching preprocessor conditional backwards.Ctrl + Shift + J
Previous paragraph. Shift extends selection.Ctrl + [
Next paragraph. Shift extends selection.Ctrl + ]
Previous word. Shift extends selection.Ctrl + Left
Next word. Shift extends selection.Ctrl + Right
Previous word part. Shift extends selection.Ctrl + /
Next word part. Shift extends selection.Ctrl + \

BuildCtrl + F9
Compile current fileCtrl + Shift + F9
RunCtrl + F10
Build and RunF9
RebuildCtrl + F11

sumber: http://wiki.codeblocks.org/

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